(Have a 10th BSSC flyer)!

Please note a new abstract submission deadline – 30 January 2015!

10th Baltic Sea Science Congress “Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas”

10th BSSC 15-19 June 2015 Riga, Latvia
Hosted by Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology

The Baltic Sea traditionally will be in the focus of the coming 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress, as it is unique opportunity for direct and indirect interdisciplinary mingling of the Baltic Sea researchers. However, this time the attention will be wider and beyond the borders of the Baltic Sea region. Future of the European regional seas is of the same importance for everybody of us, as we should be responsible for the part of the Earth we inhabit.

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce that abstract submission for the 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress is now opened and available at:


Your contributions are welcomed covering following topics:

  1.  Coastal seas – towards a better understanding.
    Comparative and comprehensive studies in oceanography, geology and biology, as well as on coastal – open sea interactions and multiscale dynamics, including results from the Year of the Gulf of Finland 2014.
  2. A healthy marine ecosystem: how to measure it?
    Studies on ecosystem health and biological responses to various environmental stressors, innovations in Baltic marine ecotoxicology, and on their use in assessing the good ecosystem state/status.
  3.  Keeping climate change in focus: ecosystem impacts, mitigation and adaptation measures.
    Oceanographical, geological and biological studies assessing the past and future impacts and consequences of climatic variation on marine ecosystem. Research on Baltic Sea scale mitigation measures of climate change, such as CO2 geological storage.
  4. Observation, monitoring and forecasting of the Baltic Sea’s status: The new generation.
    Studies on new technical achievements and innovative solutions which increase our understanding and management of the Baltic Sea.
  5. Spatial marine ecology in support of ecosystem-based management.
    Spatially-orientated (including the related temporal aspect) studies that scale the relative influences of human activities and their synergistic and cumulative effects on the structure and function of the marine ecosystem.
  6.  Just ice and stones? – Updates of geological research in the Baltic Sea area.
    Reports on IODP Expedition 347 “The Baltic Sea Basin during the last glacial cycle” and of the studies on paleo-coastlines of the Baltic Sea and Stone Age coastal settlements.
  7.  A viable ecosystem for a sustainable society.
    Interdisciplinary studies on innovative tools for efficient governance of Blue Growth and comprehensive planning and ecosystem-based management of maritime activities, e.g. integrated coastal management and maritime spatial planning; the valuation and management of marine ecosystem services and societal benefits.

Conference venue

Information on conference venue will follow. Please visit the website for updated information.


The list of pre-booked hotels will be available on last days of October. Until then you can explore the accomodation options in Riga at www.booking.com


You can reach Riga by bus, ferry, train and plane. Bus and air lines are the most numerous, travel by ferry and train is limited by quite few directions. More detailed information will follow, please check this website for updated information.

Registration and registration fees

The registration with payment option of registration fee will be open on 2 January 2015.

If you will be submitting an abstract, we assume that you wish to be a participant of the conference. However, your registration will be complete only after the payment of the fee. Authors of the abstracts will be notified timely on the status of their submission, thus it will be possible to use the lowest fee option.

Approximate registration fees (will be specified later) are:

  • EUR 150 for students,
  • EUR 300 for early registration,
  • EUR 350 for late registration.

Important deadlines

  • 27 October – abstract submission started
  • 2 January 2015 – registration started
  • 15 January 2015 – deadline of abstract submission
  • 28 February 2015 – authors of abstracts are informed on the acceptance and status of their presentations
  • 30 March 2015 – the programme of 10th BSSC is published
  • 20 April 2015 – early registration deadline
  • 20 May 2015 – late registration deadline

10th BSSC 2015 first announcement